It is our policy to accept advertising from people and businesses with some connection to Monterey or the immediately adjacent small towns; Our policy is weighted against out-of-town advertisers with no connection to Monterey. We do not accept shopper-type classified ads for real estate, automobiles, rentals, tag sales, et cetera.

Advertising helps make The Monterey News a lively-looking paper - we thank you for your visual contribution as well as your financial support.

Please submit ads by the 23rd of the month prior to publication.

Please contact the editor, Shannon Amidon Castille, with any questions at:

Monterey News
PO Box 9
Monterey, MA 01245

Featured Advertisers

Advertising Rates


Exactly 2.25" wide
Between 1.5" and 3" tall



Exactly 2.25" wide
Between 3" and 4" tall



Exactly 4.75" wide
Up to 2.5" tall



Exactly 4.75" wide
Between 2.5" and 3.5" tall


Finished ads should be submitted in .pdf, .tiff, or .jpeg format by either email or delivered via CD. If you would like to include images, please submit hard copy or digital file in .pdf, .tiff, or .jpeg format. The editor will scale to purchased ad size.

For single monthly ads or seasonal advertisements, advanced payment will be required at the current ad rate. No minimum monthly requirement. For new ads with continuous, year-round placement, a total payment of size months will be required in advance; the advertiser may then elect to continue to prepay the remaining duration of the advertisement, or to be billed at the end of the subsequent semi-billing period (in June for issues published January through June, and December for issues published July through December).

When back-cover ads become available, they are only available in one size (2 3/8" tall x 3 1/2" wide) for $32; back cover advertisers tend to keep their spots year after year.