It takes a village

to put out this paper

Photo by Rosemary McAlister

The mission of The Monterey News is to provide our extended community with a free monthly newspaper that encourages conversation about local issues, promotes community spirit, imparts information about items of upcoming interest or importance, and publishes other offerings that reflect the town’s heritage, culture, and diversity.


The Monterey News is a broad community effort. Nearly all of the content is generated by regular folks who want to inform, educate, share their passions, remember their loved ones, or spark community conversations. All of this content - typically between 28 and 32 pages worth - is edited, organized, printed and distributed each month with the help of a small editorial team.

We rely on you

We rely on content from local officials, reporters, local organizations and committees, artists, poets and columnists. Each month, we typically have contributions from two to three dozen individuals, and we publish most of what is submitted, including:

  • Reportage about local governance

  • Letters to the editor and views of local officials

  • Essays covering a wide range of topics

  • Who's Who profiles of townspeople

  • Listings of events organized by town bodies and local organizations

  • Features about Monterey history

  • Remembrances

  • A town calendar

  • Artwork & photographs from Knox Gallery, Young Creators, and the world around us

Photos left courtesy of Wendy Jensen and John Touwsma

Our history

The Monterey News is one of the oldest monthly small-town publications in the region. It started in 1970 as a mimeographed broadsheet, published by the Monterey United Church of Christ, and within a few short years grew into an independent publication. Over the years, many editors and board members have guided and supervised its production. As all things do, The Monterey News has seen its fair share of change over the last half century or so (although its banner has remained the same). Mimeographs gave way to offset printing; typed content, cut into columns and pasted manually gave way to digital process in 2005, and suddenly our archives were created.

And now, we have a website!

Photos right courtesy of Friends of Lake Garfield


The Monterey News gratefully acknowledges the Massachusetts Cultural Council and our local council for financial assistance in making this website a reality through the work of Connor Simeone of Hadley Clover Creative Marketing.

Board of

Kyle Pierce, President
Cindy Hoogs, Treasurer
Steve Snyder, Secretary
Roz Halberstadter
Rob Hoogs
Janet Jensen
Dennis Lynch
Bonner McAllester

Contributing Writers

Skip Amidon
Maggie Barkin
Tracey Brennan
John Camp
Essy S. Dean
Michael Germain
Rob Hoogs
Hanna Jensen
Mary Kate Jordan
Heather Kowalski
Justin Makuc
Mark Makuc
Bonner McAllester
Kit Patten
Kathryn Roberts
Myrna Rosen
Lin Saberski
Stephanie Sloan
Kevin West
MaryPaul Yates